Story Cards

I quickly wrote some off-the-cuff story cards. Act I, Act II, Act III, Plot Point A, Plot Point B — basic story structure. Five cards in total. I’ve been playing several post-apocalyptic video games so that’s what was on my mind. A bleak world; dirty, savage, tense. I also wanted to turn gender roles on their head a bit so I gave the mother the gun and made her the protector of the family.

Some things don’t really work (like the necklace of human fingers), but it was a fun and interesting way to conceptualize a story. When I write quickly or make notes, I tend to go for bullet points so that’s what I did here.


  • Gruff, bearded mountain man; physically big, worn military jacket.
  • Necklace of human fingers.
  • Dilapidated highway overpass.
  • Old & destroyed cars strewn about.
  • Dirty, overgrown.
  • (Father, Mother, Boy, Girl) traverse overpass, weary, dirty, mother walks in front with rifle

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